Tuesday, October 16, 2007

BSNL WiMax Network + Motorola

While BSNL is planning to use the WiMax network for its ambitious 50,000 kiosk project, Motorola is planning to make a comeback as wirless giant in the US. BSNL is a truly government organization with several layers of fat making it difficult to move briskly. BSNL has the largest network in India and can very easily use to build broadband kiosks rather then waiting for policies and floating tenders around. Latest, feedback about Reliance WiMax is not very encouraging. [On the Forum, their seems to be a problem with DHCP servers and Reliance folks for some reason don’t fix it and consumers are down with internet for more than week]

Om Malik has an interview with P. Warrior, CTO of Motorola on the road ahead for WiMax. Though WiMax can deliver higher speeds than other wireless technologies, it is unable to keep the same throughput when tested under mobility. Voice over WiMax may be a distant dream.

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